🍺 "BAR" Bar

You decide to keep listening to "OP" talk about Horse Cartwheels, and how his favorite album is actually the album that isn't a lot of people's favorite album, but it's his favorite, but in ways he can't describe. He attempts to describe it for the next half hour anyway.

Throughout the experience your body becomes so bored that your blood clogs up and you die of a heart attack. Other Pat lives to be 103.

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Kyle Bob's Choose Your Own Adventure Game

Table of Contents
These sections have little to no continuity and can be played in any order.

Livin' Room

Village City
ABCDEFG Movie Theater
Avenue of Broken Hopes
"BAR" Bar
"BAR" Bar Open Mic Stage
Billy Bob Boulevard
Farmer's Market?
Food Street
Fortune Tent Place
Helga's Sandwiches
Kevin's Spaghetti
Office of Dr. Potatos
Ouch Avenue
Quadruple Shot Espresso
Ralph Street
Stubby Boo Boo Hospital
Toy Train Timeshare
Unnamed Alley
Whisky Rum Stadium

Peninsula Islands
Birch Beach
Cave Entrance (Mouth?)
Hickory Docks
Ocean-Gulf Bay
Plane of Receding Airlines
Questiony Bridge
Spamazon Rainforest
Super Happy Fun Land

Desert Mountains
Candy Nation State
Highway 2.5
Inconvenient Desert
Mt. Bestest
Peter Peter Burger Eater
Rouletteless Casino
Shrewd Pyramid

Blundering Underground
Bat Cavern
Cave That Isn't Named Yet
Hokey Pokey Karaoke
M c D a r k n e s s
Meter-Long Hot Dog Factory

Spacetime, Etc.
Apology 13 Space Shuttle
Cremation Station
Dinosaur Times!
Future Labs
Moon World
Not Mars
Quizzical Castle
Religious Building
Silly Southeast
Tim's Taxidermy
Unkind Colosseum

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